Did you know? We put over 100 students in work placement each month.

SA WorkReady Program

Eligibility checker

Use our simple Eligibility Checker to get an instant insight into if you are Eligible to access this Government Funded program.

South Australian WorkReady Program

InterCare Training is an approved WorkReady Training provider to offer subsidised training in a range of our courses such as the CHC33021 – Certificate III in Individual Support (Ageing & Disability).
Please click on ‘View Our Courses’ link below for information about all our courses.

Where Can I Find The Student Course Contribution Fee Information?

  • More information can be sourced regarding student course contribution fee information by clicking on ‘Fee Schedule’ below.
  • How Do I know If I Am Eligible For Subsidised Training Under WorkReady?

    You may be eligible for WorkReady funding if you are:

  • Living or working in South Australia AND
  • An Australian or New Zealand citizen OR
  • An Australian Permanent Resident, or an eligible visa holder AND
  • Aged 16 years or over and not enrolled in school, or
  • Aged 16 years or over and enrolled in school and undertaking training through the Training Guarantee for SACE Students (TGSS), or
  • Undertaking training through a training contract as an apprentice or trainee in identified courses.
  • Eligible individuals may be able to access one foundation skills course (if you are assessed to need it), up to five bridging units at every qualification level (if assessed to need them) and unlimited priority courses.
  • Note: Eligibility criteria apply and there may be additional enrolment conditions that need to me met prior to being approved for a subsidised training place. All students will need to obtain a National Police Check in order to complete the Work Placement Component.
  • For more information about eligibility, please visit the Skills SA website by clicking on the following link.
  • What is SWS?

  • SWS refer to Success Wellbeing Services (South Australia).
  • SWS provides, free of charge, non-clinical case management support to VET students, who face complex barriers to sustaining and completing their studies. The provision of SWS is funded by Skills SA to increase the retention of students and remove barriers to completion of their VET course.
  • SWS providers have been assessed and selected by Skills SA as having the expertise and functional capacity to provide case management support.
  • SWS is not intended to replace existing student support provision by InterCare Training but to enhance it. InterCare Training will continue to provide supports to its students in accordance with InterCare Training approved self-assessment and will work in good faith with the SWS provider to ensure its students can access enhanced supports as applicable.
  • SWS addresses complex issues that may impact on living, learning and transition and provides:
    • Liaison and advocacy with InterCare Training to ensure best supports are in place for each common client,
    • Supported referral and advocacy (e.g. health, housing, legal, Centrelink/employment services provider),
    • In-class and study skills support,
    • Personal Support, and
    • Support can occur during work placements.
  • SWS post course transition support provides similar supports in an employment or further training environment to support successful transition outcomes.
  • How Can I Access Additional Support Through a SWS?

  • Our Training team will be your point of contact for any support needed in addition to what we identify during the Suitability and Support Needs Assessment. You can email the InterCare Training team at training@intercaretrianing.com.au to discuss your needs and determine if you qualify.
  • Each client that is referred by InterCare Training or self-refers to one of our SWS providers will be assessed for eligibility of their services.
  • What Is The Upfront Assessment of Need (UAN)?

  • This is a process that training providers in South Australia follow, to ensure students get the support they need to successfully complete training.
  • All learners seeking access to subsidised training in South Australia must undertake and complete the UAN. Learners undertaking subsidised training who are required to transition to a new provider may be obliged to undertake any or all parts of the UAN again if their new provider is unable to accept the UAN results from their current provider.
  • The UAN Entails Three Distinct Assessments:

  • Suitability: To ensure the right fit between the student and qualification of choice.

  • Support: To ensure early identification and planning for the learner’s learning and personal support needs.

  • Literacy and Numeracy Capabilities: To ensure early identification and planning for the learner’s literacy and numeracy development needs.
  • The tool used to assess Literacy and Numeracy is the online ACER SRNI as a minimum and, if required, the CSPA. InterCare also uses the UAN Suitability and Support Needs Assessment template recommended by Skills SA, as a guide to determine student suitability and support needs.
  • ACER (Australian Council for Educational Research) are a leader in the development and provision of high-quality assessment and reporting tools and services for training providers.
  • NOTE: The ACER Literacy and numeracy assessments are not tests that can be passed or failed – these assessments are used to ensure students receive support if they need it.

    Undertaking the UAN

    Our friendly team will discuss the UAN requirements with you and set up a time for you to attend and complete this assessment online.
    It is Important, that you:

    • Ensure this is completed on a laptop or desktop computer. This is not able to be completed on a mobile device or iPad.

    • Your camera and microphone are on so you are able to be seen and heard through Zoom for the entirety of the assessment.

    • That you are in a location where you can concentrate and not be distracted or disturbed.

    • You cannot receive assistance from anyone or interact with anyone while you are doing the assessment.

    • Our host will advise you not to receive assistance, and repeating this may risk you being removed from the assessment and your course.

    • Allow up to 3 hours to complete the assessments.

    • Are logged in 5 minutes prior to your session to test your camera and microphone (you cannot sit the assessments without these working).

    • Have your email open on your computer ready to receive your login details.
    Please allow up to 3 hours to attend a session online via Zoom to complete these assessments. The sessions run each week and the times are:

    • Monday @ 12pm
    • Wednesday @ 12pm
    • Friday @ 10am
    • Saturday @ 10am
    Once you have completed the online assessment, we will receive a report with your results. Our friendly staff will provide you with feedback.

    • If all requirements have been met, you will continue with the remainder of the enrolment process.

    • If there is an indication that support may be required for language literacy or numeracy, we will request an Interpretation Report* from one of our support providers, to determine how best to support you in your study goals.
    Our team will call you to have a discussion relating to your support needs before allocating you to a class for orientation and commencement.
    Note*: If the Interpretation report suggests that you will require to complete a bridging unit(s), our friendly staff will explain the process and requirements to you.

    If you demonstrate low English language proficiency during our discussions with you and at time of the UAN assessment, we may provide you with more information on how to improve your English proficiency, this could include a referral for free support, to:

    • TAFE SA English Language Program
    • Skills for Education and Employment Program
    • Adult Migrant English Program

    What Is The Language, Literacy and Numeracy (LLN) Quiz?

  • The LLN quiz is an online tool designed to help determine students’ language, literacy and numeracy (LLN) levels. It is completed online through the LLN Robot.
  • Note:
    This quiz has been designed for students who are not eligible for funding, however, interested to undertake Vocational Education and Training (VET) courses that InterCare Training offers under ‘Fee for Service’.

    Why Is The LLN Quiz Necessary?

  • Every workplace task involves using the skills of speaking, listening, reading or writing and often mathematical skills as well – in other words, language, literacy and numeracy (LLN).
  • For each of our qualifications (and units of competency), the LLN skills levels needed to succeed in the workplace, have been identified. This quiz helps us to determine:

    • If you already have the required skills

    • If you experience any difficulty in completing the quiz, and

    • What your potential learning support needs may be, prior to commencing the course.
  • We consider all the information that you share with us during your initial information conversation, the pre-training review and your LLN to ensure the most suitable and appropriate qualification or training option is identified for you.
  • How Will This LLN Quiz Be Conducted?

  • Our friendly sales consultants will explain the enrolment process to you before sending through an email with relevant course and enrolment information.
  • You will receive a second email with a link to the quiz, including instructions on what to do.
  • Set Yourself Up For Success. Before You Start Your LLN Quiz, Ensure You:

  • Are in a location where you can concentrate and not be distracted or disturbed.
  • Have a fully charged or plugged in device (Laptop or Tablet) with an internet connection.
  • Have working sound on your device (headphones can also help to remove outside distractions).
  • Take your time to read each question thoroughly, you have up to two (2) hours to complete the assessment – there is no rush!
  • Cannot receive assistance from anyone or interact with anyone while you are doing the quiz.
  • We are unable to assist you with answers to questions in the quiz, however if you require any further information on completing this LLN quiz, please don’t hesitate to contact us on 1300 10 2273.
    This training is delivered with State and Commonwealth funding (if applicable). InterCare Training ensures all training and assessment is delivered in accordance with VET Standards and adheres to the principles of access and equity in order to maximise learning outcomes. For further information and a full set of terms and conditions, please refer to the Privacy Policy and or the Student & Employer Handbook RTO No: 21099