
NSW Government Funding – Smart & Skilled

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NSW Smart and Skilled Funded Training

InterCare Training has been offering Government Subsidised training since 2016 to eligible students in New South Wales.

What is Smart and Skilled?

Smart and Skilled is a reform of the NSW Vocational Education and Training (VET) system. It’s helping people in NSW get the skills they need to find a job and advance their careers.

Approved Qualifications Under Smart and Skilled

  • Approved qualifications under Smart and Skilled are:

    • CHC33021 Certificate III in Individual Support
    • CHC43015 Certificate IV in Ageing Support
    • CHC43121 Certificate IV in Disability Support
    • CHC43415 Certificate IV in Leisure and Health

  • Offered qualifications under Smart and Skilled are:

    • CHC33021 Certificate III in Individual Support
    • CHC43015 Certificate IV in Ageing Support
  • Other qualifications may be offered on a Fee for Service basis to students who are not eligible for funding.
  • Smart and Skilled Provides Eligible Students With

  • An entitlement to Government-subsidised training up to and including Certificate-III
  • Government funding for higher-level courses (Certificate IV and above) in targeted priority areas.
  • If you’re a prospective student, the below website will tell you everything you need to know about Smart and Skilled.
  • What Is The Eligibility Criteria For Subsidised Training Under Smart and Skilled Funding

    A person who is eligible to receive subsidised training in all Smart and Skilled Programs (except Smart and Skilled Entitlement Apprenticeships and Traineeships Program) is a person who, at the time of enrolment in a qualification or course on the NSW Skills List or a “short course” (as defined in section 1.4) with a Smart and Skilled provider:
  • Lives or works in NSW (determined by postcode of the usual place of residence or place of work); or
  • An Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander student who does not live or work in NSW but lives in specific defined interstate NSW border areas is eligible for government-subsidised training under Smart and Skilled (as identified in the list set out in the Smart and Skilled Operating Guidelines); and
  • Is:
    • An Australian citizen; or
    • A permanent Australian resident; or
    • A New Zealand citizen; or
    • A humanitarian visa holder or a partner visa holder whose sponsor is a humanitarian visa holder (see Appendix 1: Refugees and asylum seekers for more information); and
  • Is aged 15 years or older; and
  • Is no longer in secondary education – except for registered home school students (See relevant sections below for further information).
  • Providing you meet the personal eligibility criteria for Smart and Skilled, you are entitled to enrol in a subsidised course up to Certificate III level. You can also complete an enrolment for subsidised training in targeted priority areas at Certificate IV, Diploma or Advanced Diploma level, depending on the availability of funding for these courses. NSW apprentices and most new-entrant trainees are eligible for a Government subsidy for the training that supports their apprenticeship or traineeship. Previous qualifications do not affect eligibility, but may affect the student fee.
  • For more information on Smart and Skilled eligibility, go to the “Are you eligible” page on NSW Smart and Skilled website by clicking on the link below.
  • Enrolment Process

    Details of the Notification of Enrolment (NoE):

  • For students who receive Smart and Skilled Funding from the NSW government, a notification of enrolment needs to be completed.  We will complete this online when speaking to you.
  • Once your Notification of Enrolment (NoE) has been confirmed
  • Click on the enrolment link in the email you have received from us.
  • Complete the enrolment form – we will check and confirm your eligibility for funding.
  • Complete the Pre-Training Review (PTR) – we need to ensure that this is the best suited qualification for you, in line with your personal goals and interests.
  • Complete the LLN quiz – we will send you the link for an online assessment. Take your time when you complete this assessment. Make sure you are in a quiet space, your volume is on (or use headphones) and read each question carefully.
  • Upon successful completion of the above, one of our friendly staff will call you, discuss payment (if applicable) and allocate you into your preferred class as per our current schedules / timetables.
  • How To Enrol?

    Details of the Notification of Enrolment (NoE):

    For students who receive Smart and Skilled Funding from the NSW government, a notification of enrolment needs to be completed.  We will complete this online when speaking to you.

    Consent – before commencing with the NoE, we request your consent to use and disclose information to the Department of Education and Communities and Other Government Agencies.
    Declarations – you are also required to complete a declaration in your enrolment form confirming that you were made aware of Smart and Skilled funding eligibility and that accessing this funding (if you are eligible) may affect your ability to receive further Government funding in future. You will be reminded of all the important notices in the enrolment form where you need to indicate agreement to receive funding, if eligible.
    Credit Transfer – if you have completed any other qualifications or units with another RTO, and the units are the same as the units of the course you are enrolling into, consider submitting your application for credit transfer. With Credit Transfer, all units on your USI Transcript that are the same as the units in the course you are enrolling into, will be credit transferred – this means that you will not be asked to re-do the unit’s assessments.
    I am interested in enrolling, what do I do now?
    • You call us directly (1300 10 CARE (2273))or submit a request for a call back via our website Contact Us.
    • We will:
      • call you back – the call is recorded for training and coaching purposes
      • discuss the course details and information with you and answer questions
      • request your postcode to confirm funding availability
      • confirm that you are within an hour’s drive from our training centre.
      • confirm which course you are interested in and discuss the course details with you.
      • request your consent to Use and Disclosure of Information to the Department of Education and communities and Other Government Agencies.
      • complete a Notification of Enrolment (NoE) in the Provider Calculator on STS online, while you are on the phone. This will notify Smart and Skilled that you are intending to enrol.
    The calculator will determine:
    • If you are eligible for funding
    • What you would need to contribute to your studies.
    We will send you the course information and an enrolment link to your email, once you have reviewed and read through all the information and feel ready to continue, you may commence with the enrolment process. If you still have any questions – call or email us for further discussion, we love talking to our future students.

    How Does Smart and Skilled Affect Apprentices and Trainees?

  • All NSW apprentices and trainees in traineeships on the NSW Skills List are eligible for a Government subsidy under Smart and Skilled for the qualification that supports their apprenticeship or traineeship.
  • Under the NSW Government’s Fee-free Traineeship Initiative, eligible NSW trainees funded under Smart and Skilled and commenced training on or after 1 January 2020, are eligible for Fee-Free training. A trainee eligible under this initiative will be exempt from fees for their traineeship qualification.
  • NOTE: Please note that NSW Fee-Free places are limited and are not guaranteed.
  • For trainees who are not eligible, the fee for a qualification delivered to a trainee under a traineeship pathway is capped at $1,000.
  • For more information, go to the Apprenticeships & traineeships page on NSW Smart and Skilled website by clicking on the link below.
  • Useful Forms and Policies

  • Consumer protection information – ICT abide by the Regulatory and Legislative requirements – please refer to the Student Handbook for more information
  • Click on the following link for our policies and other important information
  • LLN Assessment

    Language Literacy and Numeracy (LLN) Assessment

  • What is this and how does this work? ICT use an online tool that is designed to help determine students’ language, literacy and numeracy levels. It has been designed especially for students planning to undertake Vocational Education and Training (VET) courses. You will receive a link to this assessment.
  • This assessment (quiz) must be completed by the intended student:
    • On a PC (not a smart phone)
    • With sound
    • Take your time and don’t rush through this assessment.

      Course Fees

    • If you may be eligible for Smart and Skilled Funding, refer to the Notification of Enrolment (NoE) above OR
    • If you are a Fee for Service Student, please click on the following link to see our ‘Fee Schedule’
    • How To Obtain a USI

    • What is a USI? A USI is a Unique Student Identifier (USI) – this is your individual education number for life. It also gives you an online record of your vocational education and training (VET) undertaken in Australia. You will need a USI if you are a new or continuing student undertaking nationally recognised training.
    • You only need one USI, and it is yours for life. Once you have an active USI, you can link your USI to your myGov – this means you will no longer need to log in to your USI account, as you can get all your information on myGov.
    • How do I get a USI? Click on the following link to visit USI website and follow instructions to get your USI.
    • Additional Support Available

    • InterCare Training is dedicated to ensuring that all Students have every reasonable opportunity to complete their training program. If you are in need of support, we invite you to speak to your trainer first, or call 1300 10 CARE (2273) , and follow the prompts to speak to the most appropriate department.
    • Whilst all staff have the responsibility to support Students, InterCare Training has nominated Student Support Officers who will be available on an appointment basis during normal business hours to discuss individual support needs. You are invited to speak to your trainer first if support is needed or you can contact our dedicated Student support services desk
    • This training is delivered with State and Commonwealth funding (if applicable). InterCare Training ensures all training and assessment is delivered in accordance with VET Standards and adheres to the principles of access and equity in order to maximise learning outcomes. For further information and a full set of terms and conditions, please refer to the Privacy Policy and or the Student & Employer Handbook RTO No: 21099